The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

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HOSTESSES llf AdUfathvtarltrirUliuaijini-nW CINCINNATI PoJt MAY 12 1031-PACE 17 1 1 Banking Women ici'urch Committ IDanMllg women Mrs 8 Welch chairman of the Will PritarMiii jCommllteo on Immigrant Work of vYllI CniCriaiil tiw woman' department tiers- Women'! Committee of Cln-1 tmn cf Churches will preside at Tlie women committee or ctn (lK nionjy meeting of the com- clnnati Chapter Anterkan Institute nmtec Wednesday at 3 at Hut 'Of Banking will entertain with a' home of Mr A Bruehl Jr dinner-bridge In the Italian Room f1! y-v -Mta ami oft tw onAlAto fM olMil law I A election Junior Head Arrives With Greeting From President Hoover Women nt Convention To He Kntcrtainrd Commencoment June 12 Invitation were received by many Cincinnatian Tuesday from the Board of Trustees the faculty and the rlasa of 1931 of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to the 64th annual voiii-inrntt mcnt to be held Friday June 13 at 10 a Cards Inclosed announce the commenirment address to be givrn by A Dykatra city manager and the commencement reception In the Conservatory Concert Hull Dan Beddoe To Be Heard Friday Night at Christ Hospital Music Program Mr nnd Mix Kdwnnls To JJe 0 nests uf Honor at Concert nt Wliii'h 13000 Chapel Organ Is To Ih Dedicated Alfred Xippert I To Preside Mr II Nellan Mr i Lsyport and Mr Cloyca Wilson liocnl a rotl fli'olM'h fompod tha committee In eharto of the entertainment of Conference Here: Women candidates for to the Bnurd of Governors will be presented They are Mim fyilnrrd! Klein of Hie Norwood Hyde Park Bank Trust Co and Miss Margaret Rist of the Central Trust Co Miss Margaret Stahl I chairman of the commil lee In charge Umbrella Store Our Line Complete sr rvpain A RvrntrR 1227 Main St sn RrrntrR Cincinnati Dan Beddoe Cincinnati's own di-tlnguiahed tenor who received a sensational ovation when he spared Saturday night In the closing program of the May Festival to sing again ihla week for Cln-cinMlUma He will be heard In right songs divided Into two groups Frida night for the musicals at Christ Hospital which la to dedicate the handsome 915000 Wurlltscr organ Stations Arc Thronged as Delegates tn 11th I May Director (Jives Views A from President Hoover be disclosed until Mr Sperry make which Mr Roger a Sperry Water- i bury Conn president of the Asso- tl tM gmton-St Nicholas i elation of Junior league of America Every station wa thronged Turt- had In her modish brief case on day morning with member of arrival in Cincinnati with a'rioiu cominiuees assigned by the her arriiki in cuy-innaii wnn a ue l0 larw group of eastern state dele- nmmlnB dolrgatc Mr Vlrglntu gates at Central Union station fun headed fhe eroup at Unloii Sis-Tuesday imllcatcs position the oration Mir-s Kailierine trim presi- ganlMtkm ha achieved lrnt of tlie Cinrinnatl league and Content of the message la not toMr Rosroe Crabba chairman of i billeting wrt at the Queen City pair eVs WntTIPtl Club headquarter where the vl-1 1 W15IJ OlXlCri Itors were assigned to tlie home! XT fCt wliere they are to be entertained N31T1C UlllCCfS during the week 80 rrowded I' I the program that there la no time At the largest luncheon meeting at all for private entertaining bare-: In the history of the Council of ly enough for change of clothes jeah Women held Monday at the hSiml1 Mrvi NrthcrlBnd Plaza Mr Julian a 1 'Sites Half rhslrmaiJ of Schwab president of the Council I for the ronvcnllon Mrs Horace for three yean retired and was Rcld chairman of transportation succeeded by Mrs Victor Orreric-and other local committee members nnrned Mfb WM elected hotter- Tlw lirot diyj program opened with registration at the Queen City Allho the Club i ity the rtMil During the later morning hour untK the annuaf meeUng: i aolJ' Wednesday's Program Wednesday's program at the Association of Junior Leagues of America tn session here follows: llmi A M'Tim- IhiMmhjUIw Mr riirtsk A LiMIry v-Mimmii fhiAiu niul hitfriwt Mr Jultti Will Ml I'llNll'tllNil irin! -l 9c TW I KyMtioyHii'iip 1: Iljr-UftP 4 OlHMM-ri'Ilt AilV'li'n 4: of Pow Uu Trlmuil 4 aniir Miin'Iiom uf liw l-isla t'W 119910111110 Oliil firJHiiln for nn tfJfiltiPt lurrll i many visitors Inspected tlie Cln-liuim included Mrs A day the results were kept strictly I ii A CLEF CLUB Will Meet at Home of Mrs Otto Geicr A I A at hr imthiiial H8iiflrrtiiial I'timini imUiiimin irmi iiiniiii Mpeiimr I VnI Nmioiin! KliInlHta I hifm in llr couit-Irani iimii turiim iu liniini 7 I iiMml ilmiH'r Hrutiin I Mrt niul Mr- A I'lilfonl lli'JMn Mr niMl Mfw Jnllll tifi- nmwtUr Rcjinn A Mr atol Nix William liiiyoU'ii rW field KiriMii I Mr and Mr- l-r VlioiMl: Kmcomi a Mr and Mra Hurry Iyiimn: Hr artoti Mr and Mr- Iaicoii Wu win Rmrin i Mr and Nn liners Rovnu cinnntl Junior League Welfare man Mr £dna Beresteln man Mrs Edna Borgsteln Whin the Clef Club meets at the home of Mr Otto Oeier on May 27 for Its annual lunrheon Krty Mrs Walter Slbbald will re-elected to the presidency for the coming year Her name head the single ticket Just submitted by the Nominating Committee composed of Mrs Otto Gefer Mm Frances Cohen and Mrs John Wachmaa The ticket remains unchanged from the last season Other officers to be Tenanted Include: Mrs Lawrence Ach vice president Mr Herbert Hezlep recording necretary Mrs Lawrence Meyer corresponding secretary and treasurer and Mrs Walter Foremaa auditor which Mr and Mrs Edwards pretented to the hospital i This muricale Is part of the' week's dedication program of thC' new Christ Hospital Building Mr and Mrs Edaarda are to be guests of honor at the concert which opens at 9 in the beau-1 tlful new chapel Alfred Nippon will preside and give tlie introductory address Rev Castleberry pastor ot the Walnut Hills Christian Church1 will give the Invocation following which A Sears Prudent organist of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church will play seven numbers on the organ given sa a memorial to the late Rev Justin Green for many years a close friend of Mr and Mrs Edwards These numbers In-: elude: Bach's Prelude and Fuge In C' major Intermezzo: thedral Shadows" by Mason song" by Johnston MucDowclTs Sibelius' "Melody fo- the Bells or Berg hall and Boellman's Suite Oothtquc Chorale Minuet and Prierr One group of Mr Boddoe's song i will follow this organ program and then Rev Pearce Atkins will be heard In the principal address Mr Pruden's second organ group1 will Include Tschalkowsky'a An-1 dante from Fifth Symphony McKinley's and Dvorak's from the New World Symphony Mr Beddoe then will give hla see-: ond group of songs Mr Prudcn will play Saint-Saens' Swan" Ponce's 11118" "The Old tnr Kreteler an old Irish "Londonderry Air" and Batiste's Grand Offertory and St Cecilia' No 1 i Rev Hollister Lynch will give the benediction for the muricale SECOND NIGHT program of the i week's celebration will be given over Tuesday at 8 to the nurses with Mrs Ethel Ooldenberg president of the Christ High School Nursing Alumnae Association pre-i siding Miss Lota Lorimer of Cleveland executive secretary of District 41 Ohio State Association is to be the main speaker giving an inspirational talk on nursing She is expected to arrive late Tuesday 1 The Christ Hospital School of! Nursing Glee Club directed by Ed-: win Duerr will Eive several num-1 bers Miss Evelyn Stone and Miss Florence Weasler will be heard in solos A Sears Prudcn will play the organ prelude and postude Rev John Christie will lead the prayer and Rev Carroll Lewis will give the benediction Mia Ida Bcnnor Mrs Carl Allen Mrs Ou Goldsmith Mm Adolph Otteiuoucr Mrs A1 Levinson Mm Ira Abra- hamson Mrs Max Danslger and Mrs Mark Feder I Officer elected were Mrs Schwab honorary president Mrs Greenrbnum president Mrs Julius Wolf Mrs Edgar Menderaon and Mrs Irvin Wrathelmer vice presidents Mrs David Joseph recording secretary Mm George Station on Woodward-si The climax of the Initial day comes with the dinner Tuesday at 7:30 in at tlie 8inton-St Nicholas ballroom Miss Ernst will give the address of welcome followed by the address of Mrs Sperry Mm John De Witt Pelt la chairman of the Arts and Interest of tlie National League with Miss Cherry Grrvr serving as chairman of the exhfbl Mlsa Helenka Adamowska New Sickles financial secretary Mrs VERSATILE York chairman for the Children's Theater one of llu moat Important bureaus of the associated leagues was among notables arriving on the 1 New York train Even tho her theatrical work assembles for Us Junior League Work Is on Display Boys Arc Topic am numerous attractions 'the children 01 lSCUSSlOIijof privileged families as well as Boys will be discussed by Miss I those urirted thru the towitt it Edna McChrlstic acting chief pro-1 batlon nicer of the Juvenile Court Pthaps the director be-when she appears as principal speaker Wednesday at the monthly fh always the same terrible things happen at the beginning and Lawrence Wrrtheim coresponding secretary Mrs Leon Melrn treasurer ana Mm Alva Goldsmith auditor Directors elected were Mrs Adolph Rosenberg Mrs Lawrence 8 Meyer Mrs August Levy Mrs William Ravine Mrs Edgar Johnson Jr Mrs Sam Hoffhelmer Mr Zip Goodhart and Mrs Max Dreyfooa Delegates to the tristate convention next fall will be Mrs Jonas Frenkel Min Bessie Slnton Mrs Edgar Meiideraon Mrs Julius Wolf Mrs Jacob Frank Mrs Lawrence Wertheim and Mm Leon Mels Alternates will be Mrs Zip Good it usually comes out right In the end Tlie worse the rehearsals tlie better the show" was substance of the children's theater head's ex- luncheon meeting of the Jewish Big Brothers at the Ncthcrland Plaza Miss McChrlstic will discuss her own experiences at Juvenile Court Her-' subject Is In Trouble and Miss Once Ifcnte executive sec- Scznmowska Adamowska Ravine Mrs Jacob Block Mrs Sam retary of the Big Brothers la In Miss Adamowska is the guest of uel Goldberg Mrs 8 Kramer charge of arrangements i Mrs Robert Battler Vamcr-id Mrs Nicholas Klein and Mm Leslie i -Indian Hill Her work and that ot Joseph all the leagues in promoting plays' for children is she believes not only good training but in line with artistic progress and modern dramatic ideals Plan Classes Mm Rufus B- Jones chairman of the Educational Committee of the A Is calling her committee for a meeting Wedncs- The 30 tables and the speakers' table were decorated with Hiring flowers from the gardens of the members of the council These were procured and arranged by members of the Garden Circle of the council of which Miss Almee Mack la chair- man i Reports were read by Mm Schwab and the secretary and treasurer 1 Preceding the business session Stuart Thompson of the Symphony Orchestra outlined the iso-1 gram of concerts which will be given next season and advised the purchase of season tickets early Following the business session a am consisting of chalk talks by anuel Rosenberg of The Cincinnati Post and a sketch of the last tri-state convention read by Mrs David Joseph was presented While Mr Rosenberg drew sketches of the following officers and members of the council poems were read describing the work which they done: Mrs Julius Wolf Mrs Lend Husbands Young matrons of Cincinnati's smart set will lend their husbands as dance Knem for the visiting or leaguers at the cabaret dinner at the Netherland Plaza Thursday night Cincinnati debutantes and other girls have arranged to sit together so their escorts and men friends also can act as partners for the for next winter Fifty-five classes were offered women last winter ranging from bridge to current events and from languages to book reviews Members of the committee Include Mrs Vonder-smlth vice chairman Mrs Fred Hoehler Mm- Stanley Hcnslaw Mrs Skavlem Miss Antoinette Jackson Miss Caroline Blanton Miss Agnes Anderson Miss Norma Geier Mrs Carson Agnew and Mrs Joseph Wright A Girl Minstrels An original southern minstrel Miss Besuner Hers In compliment to Miss Pearl Besuner Cincinnati member of the Metropolitan Open Company for several yean Mrs Qussle Ogden Is entertaining Thursday with a luncheon at the Hotel GlbsonJ Miss Besuner arrived at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Sam Besuner on Heame-av Avondale during the week-end after a busy season in New York She will remain until late in the summer when she has an engagement to ring leading roles in the opera at Chautauqua and then will resume her work with the Metropolitan That Junior Leaguers are versatile la attested by their handiwork on display at the Cincinnati Art Museum during the 11th annual conference of the Association of Junior Leagues of America here Included In the exhibit arranged with displays from all parts of the country are oil paintings etchings and water color paintings portrait studio and other works In sculpture costumes needlework crocheting quilting Christmas cards and numerous other articles Prize winners will be anouuced Wednesday Country Club Maps Activities More than 50 women of Kenwood Country Club attended the meeting to organise a women's committee on activities at the Cincinnati Club The new committee elected Mei-dame Randle Jr president Appointments were announced of the chairmen of the various com-mltees They are: HaHn Cmmlttrr Mr A Wrwhrt fialfm' Caaimitlec Mr Gcorac Mrtxstri Prha famialtt-a Mr Dr ft talnli DrMint raaimltlrf Mina Marjr Lfanar an Ianrhrra Comnlitar Mr 8 Marwnrr Tha athm an Mia emunlttra art Mav Oaiara Srtiratli Craa Kliaug (or aril Van roMtn Ml Baimrtt Tha Srit affair will he lha aemina of mm tanrMJomt far warnn Frutar aftarnaa School Plans Outing The P-T A of Park Hills Covington School has arranged to bring pupils to the Zoo Thursday for an all-day outing It will be the first such affair for an entire school Association members will accompany the children Mrs Sidney Northcutt is chairman of the Arrangements Committee Mrs William Williams president of the association Mrs Chester Moreland corresponding secretary and Mrs Julia Rouse principal are assisting The children will have their first view of Romeo Junior the Zoo's new chlmpanree i show will be given by members of the Club" at the regular monthly meeting of the club Tues- Pupils in Recital Goldie Taylor is presenting her Siegfried Geismer Miss Bessie Sin-pupils in a series of piano recitals ISSiiJMLiBSSSSi Mrs! Schwab Mrs Grcenebaum Mrs Ell Miller Mm Walter Freiberg Mrs Harry Boehme and Mm William Cowen at Harmony her residence studio May 12 14 16 and 19 Three programs include the following dsy night at the A Tlie scene of the show is laid in a Florida sea coast resort- A chorus of bathing beauties adds atmosphere End are Misses Mildred Koch Helen Stocker Betty Zeiher and Ethel Yauch Miss Strain will be Interlocutor performance Is directed by Alyce Benner German Club Students Will Be Seen in Play I Plymouth Guild Luncheon A 'luncheon will be at the Food Craft Bhop Enquirer Building Wednesday noon under auspices of the Ladles' Guild of Plymouth Congregational Church Mrs John Drach la chairman of this group Her assistants are Mrs Brocksmlth Mrs Glaser Mrs Heilman Mrs Jacobs Mrs Kruger Mrs Lee Meyer Mrs Nitzel Mrs Henry Ritter Mrs 8chubbe Mrs Suelter and Mrs Wankelman Tickets may be obtained from any of this group participants: Frances Bailey Dorothy In-glls Barbara Feld Lily Belle Harper Ruth Godfrey Mary Belle Bradford Betty Jane Morris Miron Boston Anna Mae Sentivan Dorothy Moore Mary Jane Siehl Ruth Horwitz Dorothy Botwln Edith Kispert Helen and Virginia Lauber Betty Spencer Isobelle Okrent Vivian Morris Dorothy Cherry Vera Wollenhaupt Elvira Tewell Dorothy Dunn Lenora Weber Jean Ritter Virginia Knodle Charlotte Karp Vinccntia Woermann Mildred Schube Shirley Daugherty Emily Hamaker Marian Endebrock Miriam Okrent Vivien Ranter Ruth Maler and Paula Krent The fourth program will be presented by boys only and Includes the following: Bobby Spencer Kenneth Tewell Milton Abel Jimmy Anderson penny Spencer Herbert Hllmer James Kemen and Robert Schmidt Follow me Crowds To Any of 5 OFFICES They Know Values! Not Going to Let a Chance Like This Slip! FOR 10 DAYS ONLY! EAMOL1TE PLATE Parliamentarian Mm Ben Loewensteln expert parliamentarian who has guided proceedings of numerous important national assemblies was choun for this service at the Junior League Conference She will be on duty from time to time during the week and all day Friday when the discussions of the previous sessions take form as league legislation This Important all-day meeting takes place Friday at the Cincinnati Cow ndnnatl Country Club Fashion market news: OTHER PLATES £1 Rubber J)1D Plate Nuform Plate $25 Members of the German Club at the University of Cincinnati will present one public perform? a nee of "Jugendfreunde a comedy by Ludwig Fulda Wednesday at 8 McMicken Auditorium as their annual play Among those in the cast will be Karlhelns Kanopstein a German exchange student at the university Tickets will be on sale at the door according to Slegmund Bets College of Liberal Arts renter who la president of the German Club was last seen In Cincinnati before the World War when It was presented by the German Stock Company Mrs Otto Ernst Schmidt a member of the original cast Is directing the university students In their version Child Study Lectures These 12 child study groups will conducted thfc ee by the Mothers Training Center SSporcling to announcement by Mire Elizabeth Dyer director ot the School of Household Administration University of Cincinnati: Tuesday 3 Ambitions" Miss Hazle Calms Windsor School 3 Our Children" Miss Alton Smi th st the home of Mrs Hanna-ford 2255 Adams-st Wednesday 1:30 pi Tearing and Mrs Nathan Ransohoff Heberle School 3 Hygiene of Chlld-Beatty Wyoming hood" Miss 875 $1375 $1775 Nuform P3U Plate Personal Appointment You mr telephone making appointment lor Kjf Kiamlnatlea at no iix-rca-d eharge We pledge you our time aerrfee and authoritative roaulte without unnreeaaaiT delay from Imatnru or your other pur-aulta Od Jfyeitfl 411 Vine St fc fyiemeiuit LocSlcn 38 YEARS IN CINCINNATI Vibraphone- rrdiire head nol-wl Crowns and Bridges n75 MILLIONS OF ROLLS $50 Value Vfe Price Sanitary artfully imle wMh terth to match your awn! rorrrlnln crown that will sire Imtln acrrlrc Porcelain Jacket Gowns $35 Value for $1975 I School 3 pendence and Ransohoff 7:30 "Mental Miss Calms Community Church 8 Use of Miss Smith Educational Circle Thursday 11 a Your Child Ready for Miss Smith Nursery 8chool Group at the University of Cincinnati 2:30 Tearing and Miss Beatty McKinley School Friday at 1:50 Child's Miss Smith Kil- Cleanings TSC Fillings A smart and serviceable white shoe for all-day allsummer wear Fashioned over a perfectfitting last of fine white Lid the grade that holds its shape and cleans so well A touch of white reptile calf gives mart decoration Lower A summer-frock slipper soft and cool Comes in a good range of sizes be' cause we believe that even the casual little slipper should fit like it was made for you! Milt white kid and white reptile calf come in and try it on! PAINLESS Extractions gour School 2:30 "The Tired Child and Miss Beatty The New Plate Wonder of Dentistry NON-BREAKABLE With Cum Tint to Rival Nature's Radiolite Is NOT a Rubber Plate but is made of a remarkably almost transparent material! The new wonder of dentistry life-like light in weight but so strong thst you can stand on it Exceptionally comfortable! American House By My Own Formula Lo cozone 50 SELLING FOR A A PAPER FOR ANY ROOM Thousands of Modern and Artistic Creations Largest Display in America Down-No Higher BE A WISE BUYER LARGE ASSORTMENT 4 A Cents Crnls 30-INCH GOODS 1U 13 ROUGH PLASTERS INCLUDED 50000 Room DBRoom Room 12 Rolls Wall 20 Yards Border or Binder Included JOSEPH STORE 1306130813101312 VINE ST Wc Have No Chain Stores Open Saturday 8:30 PH Evening of Music The entire membership of A A has been Invited by the choral group to enjoy with them an evening of music at the home of Mrs George Topmoeller on Tuesday A feature of the program will be a talk by Miss Helen Coops acting head of the Department of Physical Education for Women at the University AAA A foE NIS 2lile9 BEAUTIFUL SHOES 521 Race Street Cincinnati Georgiana Club The Georgian Club will sponsor a card party Thursday at 8:15 in the clubrooma at Calhoun and Scioto streets.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.