MAKING REGARDING in a sentence | Sentences WordTool (2024)

We start with a recap of this year's Awesome Games Done Quick before moving into some changes that Bungie is making regarding microtransactions and the Eververse.

Pre-anesthetic testing is a necessary to detect underlying disorders that may influence the management of the patient or influence the prognosis associated with any given disorder: The MVMC is experienced at decision making regarding when to perform pre-anesthetic test and what tests are indicated for individual patient needs.

If you will be affiliated with a local club make sure there are policies - in writing - that address such things as funds and fundraising, decision making regarding accepting, placing and euthanizing dogs, individual responsibilities and so on.

To build a working knowledge of the regulatory aspects of drug use in animals and instill a strong sense of ethical responsibility in decision making regarding veterinary drug use.

The logbook greatly assists the veterinarian with decision - making regarding recommended tests and medications.

«Mexico is a center of decision - making regarding some books at an international level.

This is just more of the same political decision making regarding what children really need rather than listening to educators that has been going on since «No Child Left Behind», «Race To The Top», and now «Common Core» programs / testing have been implemented.

Additionally, state education agencies acting as authorizers may face political pressures that complicate high - stakes decision making regarding schools.42

Measuring Child Outcomes in the Early Years provides information to inform decision - making regarding the assessment of young children's learning, development, and wellbeing (LDWB) for state and national assessments designed to influence early childhood education (ECE) policy and practice.

Decision - making regarding intensive instructional support for children with special needs should build from children's instructional needs, and not from diagnostic labelling and criteria for funding eligibility.

We participate in a call with local area Superintendents who share their thinking and decision - making regarding school closures and delays.

Proponents of these assessments find them useful in guiding decision making regarding a student's learning despite research yielding «sparse evidence that it has produced measurable or observable improvements in educational outcomes» (Hansen, 1993).

When narrowly defined national interests dominate the dialogue and policy making regarding human rights, the international community, the UN, and NGOs must continue to encourage and assist the Thai government to provide greater freedoms and protection of all human rights to the Burmese refugees residing on Thai soil.

«This paper does not change the message that the AHA is making regarding reducing saturated fat, reducing trans fat, and emphasizing the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish intake that we know are especially beneficial to heart health,» Dr. Van Horn says.

Also, they do call for informed decision - making regarding potential risks and potential benefits,» Brawley said.

Continue to evaluate ongoing molecular diagnostic activities related to genetic testing and facilitate strategic decision making regarding the services to offer at MD Anderson

Thus, WES analysis can reveal an unexpected diagnosis and thereby completely alter the premises for decision - making regarding current and future pregnancies — now based on a specific diagnosis and knowledge of recurrence risk.

While it is premature to speculate on the implications of this work for decision - making regarding child custody, the work is valuable as it suggests that «something as basic as the amount of time that one spends with a parent or one's living arrangements» can shape the quality of child - parent relationships, write Fraley and Heffernan.

«Our results suggest that the stock market not only absorbs information, but also generates an incentive structure that impacts managerial decision - making regarding innovation,» Wies and Moorman write.

Exposure to targeted, personal and verbal aggression by patients can adversely affect mental health nurses decision - making regarding physical restraint, new research published in the world's leading nursing research journal reveals.

The dearth of information was considered the single most important constraint hindering decision - making regarding crop biotechnology.

In a statement, Moskowitz, who left the meeting about a half hour before it ended, said «there is a lack of transparency in their decision - making regarding reconsidering charter school co-location... we're totally in the dark as to what they're even considering.»

Consumers advocating for services that promote natural birth with the support of well organised consumer groups have become active participants in decision making regarding future policy direction.

The right to decide what to think rather than being told what to think reflects the neoliberal values of modern consumerism a situation supported by the Australian government encouraging women to empower themselves through informed decision making regarding maternity care [43].

However, these studies used actual birth weight as opposed to estimated fetal weight, limiting the applicability of these data for antenatal decision making regarding mode of delivery (82).

Sure, we'll still talk about just good decision making regarding sex, but I'm realizing that it's this grayish area that I will continue to talk to my daughter about.

Simpson, K., G. Newman, and O. Chirino, Patients» perspectives on the role of prepared childbirth education in decision making regarding elective labor induction.

«The most important thing for me is that nurses are able to practice at the top of their skill and knowledge, and they have a real voice in the decision making regarding how that practice is done.

Perhaps what impressed even more about Walcott was that his decision - making regarding when to carry the ball and when to release the ball early, quite often his undoing, was spot - on.

Leading the fight to eliminate drunk driving, underage drinking and promoting responsible decision - making regarding beverage alcohol.

As we know, consumers are closely watching the claims that brands are making regarding fresh, natural and humanely sourced food.

Regardless of whether I share the same beliefs as the producers of any of the apps in their store, I refuse to have my content randomly, non-judiciously, and often biasedly filtered by Apple execs, whom have a clear track record of poor decision making regarding apps since the start of the app store.

Social Darwinism dominates our policy - making regarding education, jobs, geographical residential allotments, provisions for recreation, health services, and the uses of human beings to carry on wars.

Cambridge Analytica and its executives knew all of this — they knew that their foreign national staff could not participate in decision - making regarding political expenditures by the U.S. clients — because their lawyer explained it all to them in a 2014 memo.

The focus on EVA helps ensure executives continue to be good stewards of capital and as SMP states, «EVA recognizes the productive use of capital assets and, therefore, wise, responsible decision - making regarding capital investments.»

We examine the role of identity claims constructed in narratives by borrowers in influencing lender decision making regarding unsecured personal loans.

Those expectations should be communicated to the client so that when a decision is made regarding whether to spend on traditional PR versus SEO or digital ads, data is available that makes an argument for why dollars should go toward the former.

No commitment was made regarding equity, the company claimed, and Bell was dismissed as the firm transitioned to a new line of business that she «put little effort» toward developing.

The two - page charging document makes reference to two separate conversations with Kislyak, and to separate false statements prosecutors say he made regarding that communication.

The big question on most Americans» minds Tuesday was whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would be the nation's next president, but voters in nine states also had a big decision to make regarding marijuana legalization.

Beyond that, there were decisions to be made regarding pockets, buttons, and lapel shape.

«All of the public comments that I, or other Bank officials, have made regarding issues related to the referendum have been limited to factors that affect the Bank's statutory responsibilities and have been entirely consistent with our remits.»

In fact, recent troubling remarks made regarding the company's media strategy inspired many to cancel their accounts.

Examples of forward - looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding expected future operating results, anticipated results of our sales and marketing efforts, expectations concerning payer reimbursem*nt and the anticipated results of our product development efforts.

The most reasonable statement one can make regarding the CAPE ratio at 30 is that we should expect lower future returns.

The comment that Munger made regarding the business of cattle ranching was one of the key takeaways that stayed with me from the 2016 Berkshire Annual Meeting — in short, the discipline that -LSB-...]

In recent weeks there have been a number of allegations made regarding Wirlu - murra Yindjibarndi Corporation (WMYAC) that have been presented as fact.

Examples of forward - looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements we make regarding the Company's plans, assumptions, expectations, beliefs and objectives with respect to store openings and closings; product introductions; sales; sales growth; sales trends; store traffic; retail prices; gross margin; operating margin; expenses; interest and other expenses, net; effective income tax rate; net earnings and net earnings per share; share count; inventories; capital expenditures; cash flow; liquidity; currency translation; growth opportunities; litigation outcomes and recovery related thereto; the collectability of amounts due under financing arrangements with diamond mining and exploration companies; and certain ongoing or planned product, marketing, retail, manufacturing, information systems development, upgrades and replacement, and other operational and strategic initiatives.

Although the information and data used in this report have been produced and processed from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the completeness, accuracy, adequacy or use of the information.

There's no doubt that refinancing can be helpful for private student loan borrowers, but given the repayment flexibility and loan forgiveness options the federal government provides, it's a tougher decision to make regarding federal student loans.

MAKING REGARDING in a sentence | Sentences WordTool (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.